"Dream the impossible because dreams do come true.
Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the chldren of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements"

Why He Disappeared ?

Monday, March 9, 2009

For Sale: one life in China

Ever wonder what one can do to make things better when you are down and out.

Well, the economy is no better in your country than mine. The world economy is going down in doldrums. All over, the government is scrambling to restore public confident, in employment, business. For once, the world seems to come to terms that they must act in concert, to keep the world economic system viable and intact.

Back home, many people are losing jobs, business failed, and the outlook is only gloom. What can one do?

Well, in China at least one girl has found an igenious way, having failed in her business. She has given up her life, to be run by others, at least to the netizens.

So, feeling frustrated with life not happening to what she hoped for, she has decided to give up her life to be determined by others. She is Chen Xiao, a pretty girl from China, now open to do the bidding of the netizens, albeit at a small fee to keep her going. What a way?

So read on the full story by clicking below.

So what do we say about frustration. Or so people say that Neccessity is the mother of invention. So it seemed Frustration can bear fruit to good and igenious idea. Let's pray and hope that this little girl Chen Xiao in Beijing will do well in her new quest and find what she hoped for in Life.

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