"Dream the impossible because dreams do come true.
Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the chldren of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements"

Why He Disappeared ?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Art of Happiness – Be Happy at Work

Working today is different from the time when I first stepped out to work. At that time, families are generally poor and one has to stick on to his job to ensure that there is income to help out the family, or at least not to add further burden to the family. Today, the working youngsters are a different breed. They tend to come from good , well to do family, at least economically. At the slightest unhappiness or stress, they will throw in the towel and leave for greener pasture.

That leaves the most people in working position, and especially so those in management a difficult and stressful environment, having to plan, organize, monitor progress to ensure the work done. Gone are the days when the superiors can exercise greater discretion in the reprimand of the subordinates.

I was recently reading an article in the Star paper on The Art of Happiness – learn the seven secrets of living a stress-free lifestyle by Shelly Sykes, a Happiness Guru.

In it, she share the 7 keys to happiness which all employees find relevant.

1) Love Your Job
2) Stay Optimistic
3) Be Honest
4) Soak in Positivity
5) Chase your Dreams
6) Expand A yourself
7) Have Fun

She wrote that key to happiness is about staying empowered, staying motivated in the profession and not get burnt out even when under pressure. I personally wonder how these have really changed. In it, she also illustrated a Happiness at Work Model. And the area where the 3 Circle intersects, represents work-life-sustainability, and determines how successful one will be in his career and life

That essentiality sums up the importance of compatibility of job to the individual. The premise is that the more attractive the job/environment to the individual needs/interest, one would be more happy and stay longer. What about those who have a prolong need for income. After all, it is well known that people who have a overriding and high need for a job and source of income, have lasted prolong period of service, despite being unhappy. Perhaps, under such circumstances, one has learned to accept the situation and the unfavorable environment.

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