Yesterday, I came across a small clip reading the local newspaper. I thought nothing much of it, thinking that it is just one of those incident. Never did I realise that someone happened to have recorded it and posted it onto Youtube.
Apparently, a couple has missed their flight at the HongKong Internatinal Airport. However, what happened to the woman upon learning that she has missed her flight, she appeared to have lost her cool and started yelling, wailing and shouting.
See for yourself what happened by clicking the following
It goes to show how people can react when they feel frustrated and angry. At the split moment in time, one can lose control of his mind if one is not able to handle the situation. I am sure when she settled down and started looking back at the video clip, she would agree how silly she had reacted, and perhaps wonder how and why she did that. So it is our mind, our thinking at each moment in time that is important.
When we are down and out, or when we are extremely angry, we must tell ourselves to cool down, stop whatever we are doing to think things over before we react to the situation. One example of a practice that I always do is that when I am extremely angry upon receiving an email, and feel the urge to respond back immediately, I would always addressed my response back to myself first. And whenever I read this response back at a later time after thinking things over, I find that I have to make changes to the response to mellow down the tone before really sending it off. I guess it is one good practice to avoid regret over saying words that we can never take back later.
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